How long does SMP last?

With proper care during the healing process and after the procedure, SMP can last anywhere between 3-7 years.

There are many factors to why the pigment can fade, but the most common one is UV rays from the sun, without use of proper SPF moisturizer/protection.

What is the difference between getting SMP and tattooing?

Tattoos requires the artist to use ink which can oxidize over time and will create an ashier, blueish fade over time. This is due to the way the body metabolize ink.

With SMP, the natural pigment we use will fade gradually and will maintain it’s colour. It will not fade blue as SMP is considered semi permanent.

Does the process hurt?

The pain level varies from client to client, however SMP is known to have very slight discomfort, with most people stating at most a 3/10 on the pain scale.

In contrast to getting a tattoo, SMP procedures are often shorter in time as well. The techniques we use require the needle to spend only a tiny fraction of a second on your scalp in order for the pigment to stay. Which is why the discomfort is minimal.

Do I need to shave my head before getting SMP?

You will not need to shave before getting SMP. Depending on the type of hair loss, primarily balding, I will have a shaver handy.

Does it damage your hair follicles?

No, SMP does not damage hair follicles. In fact, the process would actually be considered a controlled micro injury. These tiny breaks in the scalp, from the needle, actually triggers the skin to go into regeneration as the SMP heals. That being said, SMP can actually help promote hair to grow over time.

Can I shower in between sessions?

Please avoid getting the scalp wet for a minimum of 72 hours. You must avoid any vigorous or harsh shampoos when washing within the first week. You must not scrub or exfoliate the scalp within the first week following each session. Doing so will cause the pigment to strip, either fading the pigment or removing it entirely. The best option would be to use a mild, scentless shampoo like baby shampoo and conditioner when carefully washing your scalp.

Can I get SMP if I have thinning hair?

Yes, SMP is not exclusive to just balding. This process can be used for any style, types of hair loss, or if you just want to have work done on your hair line. It is suitable for both men and woman with thinning hair.